APS Wall Sleeves

In the absence of wall penetration sleeves, mechanical/utility piping vibration can cause costly wall damage. Protect your investment and use APS wall sleeves to provide a better seal than a core drilled hole. In addition, wall sleeves make it easy to repair piping without damaging the wall.

APS wall sleeves are designed to mate with the APS Innerlynx® Modular Mechanical seals for leak-free performance.

wall sleeve
aps product

Customized for Your Application

APS steel wall penetration sleeves are manufactured to order and can accommodate any wall thickness. APS Infinity® wall sleeve standard length is 16 inches; however, it can be cut to length in the field or in the factory if specified at time of order, keeping in mind a minimum length of 6 inches.

Each model is available with a water stop that anchors the sleeve to prevent thrust movement and ensure positive water sealing. APS standard water stops are centered, unless otherwise specified.

APS Wall Sleeves Provide:

  • Quality Assurance

  • A Wide Variety of Sizes

  • Customized Wall Sleeves

  • Water Resistance

  • Easy Installation

  • One Man Job

  • Fast Turn-around

APS offers four types of wall sleeves:

  • Model SWS made of carbon steel with a welded steel water stop; primed

  • Model SWS made of 304 or 316 stainless steel with a welded stainless steel water stop

  • Model GPWS made of steel with a welded steel water stop; Gal-Vo-Plast® coating

  • Infinity® made of HDPE with an integrated water stop

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